This practically means that as soon as Skyrim SE receives this autoupdate, most to all of your SKSE based mods will break. Other its "content" is a paid option, but game will still update itself. The AE in core itself is free (comes with 3 CC mods), so it'll be an autoupdate. Thousands of functions are changed or deleted. It's a separate game, like Skyrim LE and SE are. What does this mean to PC players who mod SE: Only players to consider it are PS4 players who have utterly limited modding capabilities thanks to Sony being Sony. It's the same Skyrim SE, just with some CC content inbuilt (Creation Club, Bethesda's own mostly paid mods, all of which have free, and often better, analogues).

It's called (surprise) Skyrim Anniversary Edition. Going through doors only takes a few seconds for me now, and fast-traveling a minute or more, depending on how far you’re going and the amount of texture the game has to load.👉👉 Important warning to everyone who mods Skyrim SE 👈👈īethesda did it again - they re-release same Skyrim at. Go into your game settings and disable the auto-save option on travel, and it will cut the loading time down by half. How can I speed up the loading time on Skyrim? Thanks, yeah I’ve come close to 90% completion as I’ve done nearly everything, but I gave up with 100% as the loading screens decided to annoy me. Why are the loading screens so long in Skyrim?īut keep in mind, the reason the loading screens are so long is so that when you’re running around actually doing something important the game (typically) won’t slow down or lag. In-game there started to be a lag that became impossible to ignore. Meanwhile, loading screens that used to take a few seconds now take up to 10 minutes. Even getting to the main menu takes 3-5 minutes.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition One day the loading times just shot through the roof.